
Xenophobia is not a musical instrument like the Xylophone.
Perhaps you're thinking of the Xenophone.
The Xenophone has a musical keyboard where all the wires go to the wrong notes.
It makes a terrible cacaphony.
(There is no such thing. Product of a sick imagination. Copyright. You heard it here first.)
The Xenophobia is a brain where all the wires go to the wrong notes.
It makes a terrible cacaphony.

Xenophobia is the dislike, hatred or disdain for something that is different from one's self.
Sort of like racism, nationalism, sexism, etc. all rolled into one.
And exactly like a disease it sounds like it might be, it is indeed a disease.
It is contagious, spreads rapidly and is virulent.
The only cures are education, good-upbringing, compassion, decency or failing those- a ball-peen hammer to the cranium.
(Bonk- anybody in there?)
It is not acceptable.
Or allowable.
Public displays qualify as a "hate crime". They are seldom prosecuted.
Even politicians get away with it.
Sometimes, they are even elected President.

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